Safe Boating Links

Boating Safety Resources

Boating safety is something many of us take for granted. But beware; a problem can crop up at any moment when you are on or near the water. And even if you are the most conscientious boater, there’s always someone else lurking in the wings that isn’t so safe.

How may of us witnessed a boat speeding through the no-wake zone near Lord Fletcher’s during the Fall Colour Cruise on Lake Minnetonka? Just goes to show ya, there’s always someone on the water not paying attention. So you must always keep watch on you and your boat and its passengers PLUS watch out for the other guy! And let’s be honest, it’s not just the PWC operator or non-wood boater that’s unsafe. There are plenty of cases of antique and classic boaters being below par.

Boating safety course are taught at many locations throughout the year. A number of organizations offer classes at various times during the year. Most are free or have a nominal fee. The US Power Squadron has a series of classes, held in various locations in the Twin Cities. The various state’s DNR also have classes. The US Coast Guard Auxiliary has course offerings throughout the winter and spring here in Minnesota. Listed below are a number of resources to help make your boating journey a safe and happy one!

Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources
Boat & Water Safety Section
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4046

Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources
Madison, WI

Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources

Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources
Boating Safety Program
Wallace State Office Building
Des Moines, IA 50319-0034

United States Coast Guard

US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Erik Westgard

National Safe Boating Council

United State Power Squadrons
P.O. Box 30423
Raleigh, NC 27622

Minnetonka Power Squadron